Technical Clubs & Events

IIT Madras fosters a spirit of engineering and innovation, exemplified by its student-run technical clubs, competitive teams, and competitions held within the institute as well as at national and international levels. Ideas that begin in these spaces have gone on to solve social problems, become successful startups, and win international competitions.

Centre for Innovation

The Centre for Innovation (CFI) is a student-run community laboratory that is open 24/7. Its comprehensive equipment and working space enables students to build their ideas and solutions. It is also home to thirteen tech clubs, which invite members and conduct workshops on robotics, machine learning, aeronautics, electronics, astronomy, biology, and many other fields. CFI also boasts four competitive teams which participate competitively in national and international events.

Visit the website at for more information and how to get involved.


TechSoc is a series of inter-hostel technical competitions that are spread throughout the academic year. Students participate on behalf of their hostels, and win leaderboard points for placing in the competitions. The hostel that acquires the most points wins the TechSoc trophy for that year.

Upcoming events are announced on smail. To find out how to participate, contact your hostel's Technical Affairs Secretary or visit the website at

Inter-IIT Tech Meet

Hosted by a different IIT every year, the Inter-IIT Tech Meet witnesses the top technical minds of each IIT compete for glory in different events. To find out more, contact the Inter-IIT student head or your hostel's Technical Affairs Secretary.