Hostel Fees

How to Pay Hostel Fees

Please find the fee schedule below:

Please pay hostel fees through the Online IFPP portal linked below.

Payment Instructions for IFPP

  • This portal is exclusive for payment of fees by Students of IIT Madras who fall under the categories Current, Not enrolled and RKA. Students who do not fall under the above categories are requested to contact respective Dean Office.
  • This portal allows payment of fees by student or by their parents/guardian or others. Passcode will be sent to all students on their Institute smail id. Students are requested not to share this code to anyone except to those who will be paying their fees.
  • For New Joinees, the passcode will be sent to the registered email id provided during admission process. Students are advised to generate a fresh passcode once they receive their Institute email account (smail account).
  • This portal enables payment of Institute Fees (including outstanding), Hostel Fees (including outstanding), and Advance Dining charges. Optional fees for events like Shaastra, Saarang and E-summit can also be paid through this portal.The above mentioned fees has to be paid only through this portal.
  • For payment of all other requirement like fees for Migration Certificate, Duplicate Certificate, Project Extension, Transcript etc, students should follow the existing process.

Retrieving a Copy of the Receipt

  • This portal facilitates submission of loan details by students regarding the loan amount that has been credited into IIT Madras bank account for easy reconciliation (both for Institute and Hostel fees).
  • This portal is not intended for issuing “No Dues” Certificate. Students are advised to follow existing process for obtaining No Dues Certificate.
  • This portal is optimized for Desktop and Laptop view only.

Please check the payment status before retrying your payment.